Tuesday, March 31, 2009

New Pictures!

Here are some pictures my sister has been asking for since I had the girls' hair cut a couple of weeks ago - Jen I figured I should post them before you got here and told me off in person. :) Fishy Faces - I love Hannah's face in this picture, which is the only thing that would motivate me to post a picture of myself making a fishy face.
Getting ready to celebrate Hannah's 6th birthday! This is our new baby, Gracie. I found a new home for the budgies when I met a local lady who has an aviary in her home. She raises cockatiels and has a free flight room where the budgies can fly around all day to their hearts' content! Yay budgies - no more cage! While we were there, Josh and this little gal fell in love. She has misshapen feet, so she can't land properly - hence the name Grace. The lady had rescued her and planned on keeping her as she is so tame and sweet. However, she let us take Gracie home, and Jane is SO happy to finally have a buddy. Gracie is beautiful, and has the sweetest disposition. We just love her!
Check this one out - Maggie has gotten huge! She is quite the character and can always find some trouble to get into. One of her latest exploits is jumping on top of the dining table when we all come home. This way she has better access to our faces to give us kisses. Unfortunately for her, when I finished laughing, I pulled her off the table and reminded her about the "no dogs on the furniture" rule. In this photo, she's once again testing out the "no dogs on the furniture" rule. "Mom, do end tables count? They don't right? Look, I fit perfectly!"
Look at her face - looking at her, I'd swear she knows deep down that end tables do count as furniture!

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